Linzey S. Corridon is a Vanier Canada Scholar, educator, and writer. Born and raised in the Caribbean multi-island nation of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, he now resides in Canada.

When the villagers come for you
tell them you are not alone
sing to them our legacy
I am with you.
- History

Linzey’s research focuses on the experiences of queer Caribbean (Queeribbean) peoples. Working across Caribbean Studies, Policy Studies, Gender and Sexuality, Queer Theory, Literary Criticism and Digital Humanities, his doctoral research interrogates failing discourses on the nature of West Indian queerness. His body of scholarship is preoccupied with asking readers to rethink how we come to understand the quotidian as it relates to Queeribbean places and peoples. West of West Indian, named one of the best Canadian poetry collections of 2024 by the CBC, in addition to being shortlisted for the 2025 OCM Bocas Prize for Caribbean Literature, is his first book.